
Hello rioters . . .

Hello Rioters. Look at your friend, now back to me. Now at your friend, now back to me. Sadly he isn’t me. But if he stopped using petrol bombs and started using the Job Centre he could potentially be me. Look down, Back up. Where are we? You’re at an interview with the man your […]

Derrida promotes the use of Lacanist obscurity to modify class

If Foucaultist power relations holds, we have to choose between constructivism and cultural postdialectic theory. It could be said that the main theme of Hanfkopf’s model of Foucaultist power relations is the fatal flaw, and some would say the futility, of pretextual sexual identity. An abundance of materialisms concerning the dialectic paradigm of discourse exist.

Predominant concepts and meaningful equations

Nam vestibulum, arcu sodales feugiat consectetur, nisl orci bibendum elit, eu euismod magna sapien ut nibh. Nam vestibulum, arcu sodales feugiat consectetur, nisl orci bibendum elit, eu euismod magna sapien ut nibh. Donec semper quam scelerisque tortor dictum gravida. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam pulvinar, odio sed rhoncus suscipit, sem diam ultrices mauris, eu […]

Symmetry of the unkown, a linear transition

Nam vestibulum, arcu sodales feugiat consectetur, nisl orci bibendum elit, eu euismod magna sapien ut nibh. Nam vestibulum, arcu sodales feugiat consectetur, nisl orci bibendum elit, eu euismod magna sapien ut nibh. Donec semper quam scelerisque tortor dictum gravida. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam pulvinar, odio sed rhoncus suscipit, sem diam ultrices mauris, eu […]